-got accepted into Concert Choir
-stole a traffic cone
-drove a car
-injured my knee
-stopped dancing
-plucked my eyebrows for the first time
-had my heart broken, fixed, and re-broken
-sang and played the piano on stage by myself for the first time
-danced my first solo
-performed in Waynesboro High School's production of "Grease"
-watched 6 seasons of Grey's Anatomy
-saw Josh Groban in concert
-took a road trip, just my sister and I, for the first time
-got my first professional camera
-watched my high school basketball team at states
-had my first parkway dance party
-screamed "DO YOU SEE ME!!!" while driving down the road
-went to a 90th birthday party
-performed in my first Variety Show
-went to Busch Gardens for the first time
-joined a play a week before the show
-danced in the same room as Jakob Karr
-went through a phase of hardcore pudding obsession
-performed my first step routine on stage
-moved my sister in her first apartment at Tech
-missed my first day of Sophomore Year
-hung out with college kids way more than with people my age
-watched both of my best friends play their first Varsity Volleyball and Basketball games together
-did six people's hair for Homecoming, including my own
-wore my first real pair of heels
-got a Mac
-had the best weekend of my life at Rockbridge
-became brothers and sisters in Christ with some amazing people
-went on "The Swing"
-almost lost my dog
-went to my first Virginia Tech football game
-saw Third Day and 10th Avenue North in concert
-lost a sweet friend to cancer
-took pictures at the Target shopping center when no one else was there at midnight
-saw the last Harry Potter movie at midnight
-witnessed my family actually fall apart a little bit
-had my driveway "chalked" for the first time
-survived my first Hell Week
-had strep 4 times and got tested 5 times
-witnessed an 18-year-old get his first lottery ticked on his birthday
-fed many hungry people thanks to Tab and the Virginia Food Bank
-witnessed Virginia Tech beat UVA
-joined a yearbook staff
-got my first F's and D's on report cards
-participated in Black Friday for the first time (never again)
-tasted my first cigarette
-became an official theatre geek
-gained back my southern accent
-sang the National Anthem at the Homecoming game with Concert Choir
-spent the night in the hospital for a family member
-saw the ambulance take a family member away
-watched one of my best friends walk down the football field on Homecoming Court
-choreographed and organized Waynesboro High School's first Flash Mob
-made First Alto in the District and third chair overall
-failed my learner's test twice
-dyed someone's hair for the first time
-discovered I could lick my elbow
-got married in a shower at a hotel
-traded pants with a guy behind the stage
-discovered I had black girl dancing abilities
-learned how to rap the entire Lil Wayne part of 6 foot 7 foot
-met one of my biggest inspirations in life, Dianne Wade Truslow
-talked a kid out of suicide
-spent a semester trying to change a kids life, and got nowhere
-licked Mtn. Dew off of a guy's neck
-spent months on ooVoo
-had the time of my life with my dance team
-participated in the Lee vs. Waynesboro blackout at Wilson
-got my right split
-rolled through my straddle
-got flowers for my 15th birthday from my best friend
-watched a kid tear his ACL
-had a song written for me
-watched my best friend work all the way up to wrestling at States
-learned how to play one of my all-time favorite songs on the piano
-touched a snail
-rode in the trunk of a van
-had the most amazing Freshtones Variety Show in the world with my best friends
-stopped wearing make-up
-bought my first pair of Jeggings
-took my first road trip with my best friend by ourselves
-drove all the way to Draft just to hold my best friend while she cried
-participated in my first Trunk-or-Treat
-went to Buffalo Wild Wings in our footie pajamas with my best friends
-had an album made on Facebook for just pictures that I took of myself on someone else's camera
-watched "Singing In the Rain" and "It's a Wonderful Life" for the first time
-made my first Pina Colada
-got to wear a hospital mask like they do on Grey's Anatomy
-had my second date-less Homecoming
-learned that there are some things you'll never get over
-became obsessed with tuwtles
-got criticized about interracial relationships, and stood up for myself
-experienced my first Magic Circle
-got to do the Hand Jive with a boy who I have obsessed over forever
-stood on a bar with a sparkly apron and sparkly hair and danced and sang
-cussed in front of my parents for the first time
-got totally screwed over
-had my feelings and my heart stomped all over
-lost some of the most important people in my life
-loved like I never have before
-learned who I want to be in 2012