Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Always remember me

Sorry if my posts are annoying any of you.

Actually, I'm not sorry. This is what blogs are for. So if it is bothering you, then suck it up and click the X button. But if you care enough to hear me complain tonight, then I truly love you forever.

Dance is one of the hardest sports out there. I'm not just saying that because I am a dancer, but it is a proven fact. It is so hard.

As many things in life are difficult and frustrating, dancing is extremely stressful. I came into the studio I am in now in September 2009. And I have never made a better decision in my life but to stay there. I fell in love with dance all over again after a year without dance, and I met some of the most beautiful, intelligent, and inspiring people there. I am forever changed because of this place.

At first it was all fun and games, but then I became more developed in the program, and I really got down to work.

I have been dancing since I was two and a half, almost three, up until my seventh grade year. Dance is simply amazing.

I transfered studios at the beginning of my eighth grade year. And I came to learn, that I really had no technique, at all. And that is what my studio is about.

I'm totally not dogging on the studio I was at before. It was such a fun place, but as the years progressed, and owners changed, and schedules became crazy, I couldn't handle it, and I just gave up.

So I'm at this new studio, and all of a sudden; I'm on the competition team. I love the people on my team.

As EVERY good sports team knows, there is drama. But on this team in particular, there is a lot of problems. The studio had already been through enough since December 2008, when they lost a student. I guess I had walked into a place where things had just begun to come back together. I am always so afraid, still, that I will ruin something. I don't ever feel out of place, but I don't want to get involved, or ruin a bond that was made before I got there.

After a season of absolute Hell, we have a brand new team. Well, sorta. We plan to have not as much drama this year, if any at all. And things will be much more organized. And it's going to be an amazing season. If only I personally can get my act together......

This year will be my freshman year. I will be involved in the following activities;
- School, of course; Including two honors classes, a show choir, a band class, oh yeah, and smushing a years worth of work into one semester.
- Church; including YoungLife, and an amazingly beautiful Youth Group at First Baptist Church.
- Dance; including dancing four days a week as regular classes, and atleast two extra days in the week due to being on the competition team.

Now, don't get me wrong. I have the most amazing people that will be beside me and guiding me along the way. But it will still be rough. Can I handle it? Pray for me

NOW, to get back on track. Dance is so frustrating. I was having a conversation with my bestfriend from the studio tonight. We were talking about how hard we work, and feeling like we are getting absolutely nowhere. Then a very wise student and teacher told us something like this; 'Well, it may not seem like it to you, but people are watching you. And we see the growth in you.'

So I guess that is true. Absolutely true. And I also guess that it's true about everything you do in life. Just work as hard as you can, and you will grow. In time

I am very excited for this year. It's going to be a journey, I can keep that promise.

Oh, and did I mention that God will be alongside with me, the whole way, holding my hand?

Well, you probably already knew that.......right?


  1. Katherine... I love your blog. You are a beautiful writer and person. You are very very much a part of our studio family and team. It's interesting how you brought up bonds that were created before you were there... and what interests me the most, is how it would be impossible for you to disrupt them, considering you are such a part of us all now... you are a link in those bonds and you always will be.

    The studio is a family and I have yet to meet a situation that we don't get through, and in a way that we are all changed for the better mostly. The past several years have brought to our studio family some of the most difficult challenges... some I never imagined that we would come out of, some that I am so thankful others have not had to go through - and yet here we are and the way I see it is that all those things just make us stronger everyday. Now I look back and am so very thankful for every moment, because it makes be a better person in the end. Every moment has helped define me, my vision & my purpose. I am so blessed that you are part of my life, my purpose and my vision. Thank you for being you and for being such a beautiful person.

    Things will challenge you this year, classes, school, friends, me, dance, life - everything, but you always have us... your dance family and we will help you in everyway that we can, make this year exceed your expectations!

    I am for one, very proud of all the growth I've seen in you, even in just the almost year that I've known you! You continue to evolve into a beautiful dancer, a beautiful person and everyday you inspire me to be the best person I can be!!

    Much love to you..... You are stronger than you can even see yourself and I believe that you make this world a better place every day!

  2. This is sooo true, Katherine, darling.
