Well, if you didn't already know, tomorrow, I start high school. :) And yes, I am EXCITED about school.
High School is a really really really really BIG change. No matter what anyone tries to tell you. Especially since I just came from a JAIL of a Middle School, no lie. So I am actually really excited.
I can't decide if I'm nervous or not. I don't feel nervous, at all. Not one bit. It's not normal actually. But I'm really fine with it, I mean we're freshmen, what do they expect out of us?
Don't you hate it when you are on a really big 'HIGH' of something, let's say, a GOD High, or a CAMP High, and you get home and are thinking, I'm going to continue to feel this way. I'm going to continue to LOVE God no matter what and think about Him in whatever I do. I'm going to continue to Journal everyday, and I'm going to read my bible everyday.
And somehow, it all just disappears
Well, that happened to me last year. Like the week after I returned from camp I was back to normal. Well, when I got home from camp THIS year, I was not on a God High, but I was calm about it. And I was filled up in Him. It was amazing. And it stayed like that for weeks. Remember all of my blogs talking about God? Yeah, I was still the most faithful I have ever been in my life. And then one day, without even realizing it, it all just disappeared.......
I was so frustrated, and I still am a little bit. But I've come to learn that being a 'good Christian' doesn't mean that you have to journal and read your bible every day, or think about Him EVERY time you're doing something. It is simply about reminding yourself about who you are, and what you believe in. For me, it is remembering why I am on this earth, and who I am living for.
I know that faith will get me through this year. I hope it will get me through this year.
I can get through rough situations without my faith, in fact, I went through the hardest time in my life without knowing my God at all. THAT is what made me so mad at Him. It was my seventh grade year, it was just horrible. No person should have to experience so much in one year. But honestly, it all made me stronger. So much stronger.
I can honestly say that I never want to experience any feeling that I felt, ever again, that year. Although, I am somewhat glad that it happened. Because now that I have my faith returned to me, most things are just so much easier. I guess that's the point of faith.......right?
Well, I am hoping and praying that it will be a good year. I suspect it will be. But we will see.......
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